On July 7th Frauengedeck is celebrating its 3rd anniversary at Salon - Zur wilden Renate. This time we will take over all four floors.
Founded three years ago, Frauengedeck sees itself as a collective for female DJs. The electronic music scene
has been addressing the lack of recognition for female DJs for quite a few years now. We are living in a new era, where more and more woman try to find satisfaction and love in music. They work hard to build up something and be a part of that tough business. Frauengedeck wants to support and present female techno and house DJs in their ambitions.
Watch out and never forget Frauengedecks most important rule: All genders are welcome!!!
The birthday celebrations will also be taken abroad, with the first appearances in Aserbaijans Capital Baku and in Batumi, Georgia. We also will be back in Yerevan, Armenia.
+ Ana Helder [Cómeme, Müstique]
+ Annie Hall [Central Processing Unit, DETROIT UNDERGROUND]
+ Borusiade [Cómeme]
+ Charlotte Bendiks [Cómeme]
+ Dasco [RAWAX, Mint Berlin]
+ Laura de Vasconcelos [zona]
+ Polly Phone [Unter Freund:innen]
+ Purita D [Killekill]
+ Sabine Hoffmann [Frauengedeck, OYE Record Store, Zaijenroots]
+ Tigerhead [Killekill]
Abendkasse: tba