Cables of Love
From subtle minimal and classic Techno, House & Acid, roaring noise and gently massaging subs to laser light shows & live visual projections of sound, Cables Of Love with the Humboldthain bring together a diverse range of local, pan-European and international talent for an extravaganza of ear-pleasing and booty shaking pleasure.
2 Stagess: 1 for Party Sweat Dancing, 1 for Experimental, lots of live acts with their various Modular and DIY Synths and no dispiriting spinbacks or laptop crashes to be found. If you see a laptop, it's there to aid as a collaborator, not a solo performer 😉
Further additions to the Line Up TBA in due time but for now, here's some of the acts and their bios can be found below:
Laser Bros (AT/CZ)
Laser Bros creates a synesthetic experience of beauty by connecting 2D-laser projections and body shaking electric sound waves generated in real time by an analog modular synthesizer. Changing the visual will modify the audible and vice versa.
Laser Bros is a collaboration of Bernhard Rasinger (a.k.a. BR Laser) and Václav Peloušek (a synthesizer inventor at Bastl Instruments).
Laser Bros
casper electronics
Goldwiener & Luma //Chroma
Cosmic Orbit 3030
Robbertunist feat. D҉ÈAF͘͝E͟T̕H҉̷͢OS
Perpetual Ash
Abendkasse: tba