17.02.2019 - 17:30
17.02.2019 - 17:30
The records stop four hundred years in the future, after the lines shut, and the corporation withdrew. What we know of how we got here is pieced together by the fragments of the rail maps and corporate orders that survive.
After numerous waves of social collapse, Glasgow, a once prosperous city, had run to waste in lawless ruin.
The city passed into the hands of a German-speaking conglomerate, who incorporated the territory into a new civic entity: Neurealm. In an attempt to revive some sense of order, the conglomerate embarked on an ambitious program of infrastructural development centered on the construction of a large overland rail network, which they named Caledonia New Realm.
+ Clouds (Neurealm) (live)
+ Headless Horseman (live) (Headless Horseman/47)
+ Headstrong (Headstrong)
+ HDMIRROR (live)
+ Tommy Holohan (Monnom Black)
+ Paul Seul (Casual Gabberz)
+ Appleblim (R&S, tempa)
+ DJ Flush (Killekill)
+ Sebastian Kökow (the29nov films)
+ Philipp Drube (Ismus)
+ Alva (Ismus)
+ I.E (Ismus)
+ TooMuch (Ismus)
+ Planet Tink (Killekill)
+ Fist Van Odor (Killekill)
+ Jan Dreseke (Killekill)
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