We are desperate for change. We are desperate to see the golden sun rise again. We want to break up old habits and behaviour to make space for the new. We want to leave the old world behind and dance the new world into being.
+ Rampue - *live Audiolith, Berlin
+ GiZ - Sunday Drivers, Turkey
+ Spaniol - Gardens of Babylon, Brazil
+ Omerar Nanda - Generic Music, Turkey
+ Lemonella - Mystic Tales, Germany
+ AndreVictor - Ram Schakl / Mystic Tales, Brazil
+ Luana Schwengber - Voodohop, Brazil
+ Elias Goldmund - Mystic Tales, Germany
+ Tal Fussman - Steyoyoke / Mystic Tales , Germany
+ Ezio Aguiar - Brazil
+ Caapi El Mesti - Pachamama, Brazil
+ Goyanu - *live Brazil
+ Mona Pirzad - Mystic Tales, Iran
Abendkasse: tba