hoe, hoe, hoe
open house …or better snowy hut… time with the MYZL collective, a registered association from Berlin. Cultivating human relationships is our passion, or was it the mission? Both? Don't take it too seriously. We are encouraging each other in a growing community, creating and supporting arts and music.
Creativity starts with you and so we always have dress codes for everyone who likes: This time slip into everything that is white, velvet, fluffy and/or ferry.
Let’s fill this cosy winter night with chat, connecting and of course dance dance dance to housy, groovy techno tunes. Until then, combine “vor” (before) and “Freude” (joy) which means prejoy or joyful anticipation.
Vorfreude and Cheers, can't wait to say hi to you!
bar from 7. djs from 10.
bring a friend, not an attitude.
doors: free entry until 10pm and flexi after.
+ Tosha
+ dennis
+ SLIFE b2b putC
+ Jopka
Abendkasse: Freier Eintritt bis 22 Uhr, danach tba