adjective - the·ri·an·throp·ie \¦thirē¦an¦thräpie\
Definition: The mythological ability of human beings to metamorphose into other animals by means of shapeshifting.
As we find ourselves here in modern society, evolved part divine and part beast - Our souls yearn for moments to regress through eons of time and return to what came before. Our natural selves, the Human Animal.
We say let’s not deny it anymore!
So, for this next instalment, everyone who crosses through the Red Doors, will be stripping away their human forms to unleash their inner ANIMAL.
“Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.”
- C. S. Lewis
We are all the one living organism – We are the wolf pack and the lions pride, we run together and howl at the moon. Find your tribe here at The House of Red Doors and our Animal Kingdom of beautiful guests and performers will come together to make a wild night to never forget.
❖ Costumes ❖
Mystical animals, farm animals, fantasy creatures, jungle dwellers, birds, insects and denizens of the wild blue sea. Delve deep into your creative juices and uncage yourself!
We want to see crazy, sexy, weird and beautiful animals. Roar, quack, hiss or squawk, all animals welcome, any colour, size or style. You can also wear your favourite HORDs costumes too, fetish, latex, bizarre, weird. Dress up and join in, the more you dress up, the more we can create this mystical place just for one night, embrace it, indulge and enjoy.
Pintrest for inspiration:
❖ The House of Red Doors Rules ❖
You might be an animal but every dear creature knows you do not give into every urge and No means No. Never take what doesn't want to be taken and don't give what is not wanted.
This is a place of love and respect. Anyone disobeying or anyone who is found to be behaving like a Dickhead. You will be kicked out and fed to the wolves.
We will have a care team walking around The House at all times and every member of staff (Including bar staff) Can be spoken to at any time, they are all connected directly by walkie-walkie to the bouncers and security team.
+ Trus'me (prime numbers)
+ Theus Mago (kill the dj)
+ Rotciv (unterton, mister mistery)
+ Tallmen 785 (tanstaafl, hotflush)
+ Homeboy (house is ok, burek)
+ Akirahawks (house mannequin)
+ Sanni (springstoff, tunnyl)
+ The Shredder
Tickets: ab 12€