We are launching our new label Atmophile Electronics, a project focused on atmospheric and intelligent electronic dance music coming from within a collective of friends. Separated in 3 devisions, Fun•da•men•tum for the deep techno-affin creations, Lu•mi•nus concentrating on melodic harmonies and grooves with a tendency towards House and the Ba•lan•ced series for all the beautiful and weird compositions not entirely focused on danceable rhythmic structures with room for experimentation in all directions.
End of June our first release representing the Fun•da•men•tum series will be released, mastered by Stefan Betke at the legendary Scape studios with an gorgeous art work of our very own nadaneda, the double 12” is featuring the following track list:
Sofus Forsberg, Alderson Disk, Ankurbln
Edo, Naty Seres
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