Sa. 28.04.18 - 23:59 bis So. 29.04.18 - 10:00Clubnight with Very Special Guest, Some Chemistry, The Reason Y, Marcel Freigeist & More
Infos zu Chalet Berlin
Sa. 28.04.18 - 23:59 bis So. 29.04.18 - 10:00Clubnight with Very Special Guest, Some Chemistry, The Reason Y, Marcel Freigeist & More
Infos zu Chalet Berlin
Das Event "Clubnight with Very Special Guest, Some Chemistry, The Reason Y, Marcel Freigeist & More" @ Chalet hat bereits am 28.04.2018 stattgefunden. Weitere Informationen zu dieser Location findest Du hier: Chalet
Clubnight with Very Special Guest, Some Chemistry, The Reason Y, Marcel Freigeist & More
+ Very Special Guest
+ Some Chemistry (Oranjeblossm/Next Mondays Hangover)
+ The Reason Y (Second State)
+ Marcel Freigeist b2b Linus (Chalet/bestfriends)
+ Coco Berlin (Betriebsfeier)
+ Candy System (Chalet)
Abendkasse: tba
Vor dem Schlesischen Tor 3,