A break from habits.
New paths into unknown territory.
Breaking away from rigid patterns.
FOKUS Chancen wants to explore what it means to take new directions, to break out of the familiar, to evolve and to witness one's blossoming and/or changing. Let's use this space together to experience ourselves as a chance of departure and breakout.
We welcome every Gender and do not tolerate any form of discrimination, sexism, racism, ableism, queer hostility. If you feel uncomfortable, please approach our Awareness Team any time.
+ Metaraph [BPitch]
+ Kim Valmount [Granit Souls]
+ Eric Brwn [RUG369]
+ Eliza Feliz [Granit Souls]
+ Barbara Bös [Granit Souls]
+ rfta [Granit Souls]
+ Isochor
+ oiko [Queerpool]
+ Kiki Lounge Berlin [Workshop]
+ German Mother Dream Louboutin [Workshop]
Abendkasse: tba