Music: Zittaaal & Boogoo Yagga Dub Disco
Häppy Börthday Zittaaal aka Dubfish !!!
This will be a special birthday set!
Welcome to Pong Club!
Pong Club is a cozy and communicative adult playground with lots of time and space for creative and collaborative activities.
We gather every tuesday for fun, games and a never-ending roundabout at the table.
DJs with bags of black gold provide finest sounds from all frequencies for our rhythmic sport action.
Sonnenallee 221
12059 Berlin
S-Bhf. Sonnenallee
nach der S-Bahn Brücke direkt links in die Gasse und bis zum Ende durch...
go left right after S-Bahn bridge and follow the alley to the end...
+ Zittaaal
+ Boogoo Yagga Dub Disco
Abendkasse: 3€