Notes to My (E)ntimate Self
Workshop & Performance by womens writing berlin lab with Allia (@AWERFJIL) Sadeghipour: In this 2-hour workshop, we will discuss, write, reflect and share our digital selves in an attempt to bring our two halves together. Bring a phone (or a small notebook and pen). Bring a mask. Bring your amazing selves. There will be a performance/sharing round at the end of the workshop.
Meanwhile 'Strictly techno' is the musical output on this topic on the dance floor. Brought to your ears by Jamaica Suk, Black Anthem Restore and u.r.trax.
+ JAMAICA SUK (mord / pornceptual)
+ BLACK ANTHEM RESTORE (disobedient circumstance / shitlabel)
+ URTRAX (kaos / diligences records)
Tageskasse: tba