Mighty Timeless International Birthday Bash the best of dancehall afro caribbean and hip hop Trap And Urban Party
With International Dancers And Dj s From All Over
Host Jamaican Pineapple
+ Dhq Tamaica Flexi Doolz
+ Dhq Pinky Twist Dancers +Special Guest
+ Wicked Twins Austria wien
+ Watch Me Steps Dancers Lipzig Berlin
+ Chris Icon And Natalie Onstage Training School Jamaica /HH
+ Dj s
+ Timeless Sound Berlin/Gambia
+ Dj Marco D Cz Allianz Italy Rome
+ Delam Int Spain Berlin
+ Dj Mad Mike Italy Bolonia
+ Dj Mista K Berlin Team Timeless +Afro Haus
+ One Tribe Sound Sweden/Gambia
+ Dj Ali Gee /Hannover And More
+ African Finger Food Corner
+ Special Welcome shots For the First 5o Guest
+ Vip Reservation Available
+ Sisah Corner
Abendkasse: 15 €
Mit Gästelisten-Anmeldung: 12 € Eintritt bis 0:30 Uhr