Cooler than the polar bear's toe nails - The Frat is back by popular demand! The wait is over and the new frat-house is fresher than Febreze. Sorry for the wait folks, the shot callers decided to save the best for last and we had to hold the horses. We are calling on all restless Phi Beta Chi brothers and sisters to huddle up on the 23rd of December - get your Frat jackets out of the closets and represent, it's that time again! We will be heating you up with the tunes and will cool you down with the drinks - ain't no slackin' on our mackin'! Vita brevis et in vino veritas!
+ Onit
+ PreStar
+ Okizz
Abendkasse: tba
Unmittelbar zwischen Monkey Bar und 25hours Hotel haben die Macher der Tube Station ihr neues Wohnzimmer bezogen. Das "Eight Oh Eight" oder kurz "808" steht für 100 Prozent Hip Hop und rundet die Abendunterhaltung im Bikini Haus ab. Neben Restaurants, Bars und Hotels ist der Club gut aufgehoben.