For this PLASTIC edition, in light of the election of an outright LGBTIA+phobic, racist and authoritarian president in Brazil, we are focusing on keeping peripheric non-binary, trans and queer brazilian folk, with important and interesting work, afloat and out of Brazil. These artists and thinkers are either currently holding crowdfunding online to leave, have recently left or need help to come back to Europe, and your donation in community support is vital, so we thank you ahead, COME PARTY FOR RESISTANCE!
More infos coming very soon...
+ Lego
+ Olympia Bukkakis
+ Berlin Disaster
House hosted by Venganza:
+ Antonio Onio
+ Ghettoven
+ Dj-Lyncė
+ Doing The Most hosted by Pelvic.
+ [{"XANA"(}]
+ Ch3rnobyl (Lolla, Eric & Slim)
Gieza Poke's Rubber Dolls show hosted by Lola Rose:
+ Sofia Turnter
+ The Darvish
+ Agnes Mitchell Travestieshow
+ Collapsellas Singalong Toilet
Abendkasse: 11 €