Let's celebrate JAMILA & THE OTHER HEROES' debut album "SIT EL KON. ست الكون" (The Grandmother of the Universe), to be released by SPRINGSTOFF on 31.01.2020. Be ready for special features with Roland Satterwhite, Fan Tasma, Dan Timm, Milad Khawam and Heart Chor, who will warm you up after a live show by Tolyqyn (more information below). Aftershow with Urubu Marinka und Schmeckefuchs.
Jamila & The Other Heroes combine psychedelic desert funk with political content. While racist agitation is increasingly becoming acceptable in many circles of our society, the five musicians have made it their mission to break down prejudices towards people with narratives of migration and asylum and make the abundance of cultural diversity more visible and audible.
+ Jamila & The Other Heroes
+ Heart Chor
+ Tolygyn
+ Schmeckefuchs
+ Urubu Marinka
Abendkasse: tba