02.01.2020 - 12:00
02.01.2020 - 12:00
“Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, and learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, do not go gentle into that good night.“
Dylan Thomas
This New Year we celebrate you, the amazing people who make this scene alive. "Heroes After Dark” will be joined by some of the best acts around, friends, residents and some new faces. As usual the house will be alive with performances from TrashEra, Sado Opera’s Love Radio and our very own House of Renate.
+ Move D (source records, workshop)
+ Head High (power house)
+ DJ Qu (strength records)
+ Thomas P Heckmann (afu limited, aufnahme + wiedergabe)
+ Manfredas (smala, les disques de la mort)
+ Khidja (hivern discs, malka tuti)
+ Benjamin Fröhlich (permanent vacation)
+ Ludwig A.F. Röhrscheid (exo international, uttu)
+ Kiwi (crossbreedworld)
+ S.O.N.S. (S.O.N.S.)
+ Sophia Saze (kingdoms, dusk & haze)
+ Marum (mina)
+ Oliver Hafenbauer (live at robert johnson)
+ Logic1000 (sumac)
+ Igor Tipura (kitjen)
+ Johannes Albert (frank music, renate)
+ Alison Swing (renate, dig deeper)
+Budino (oscillator)
+ Marlon Hoffstadt (savour the moment, renate)
+ Hrdvsion (wagon regair, rinse)
+ Freudenthal (nein records)
+ Younger Than Me (bordello a parigi, tusk)
+Michal Zietara (renate, loser)
+ Sebastian Voigt (renate)
+ Homeboy (renate)
+ Philipp Schultheis (savour the moment)
+ Salto Honduras (solarium)
+ Katzele (malka tuti)
+ Cyranotaurus Cortex (renate)
Absinth hosted by
+ Sado Opera
+ Aresibo
+ Gene Bogolepov / 1314 b2b Vitling (sunday club)
+ Katya (Sado Opera)
Keller by Utopia Castle Festival
+ Marco Bruno (Electro set) (evighet, symbolism)
+ E_phan (sonora club)
TrashEra Music Toilet Takeover
Banana Chill Out:
+ Claus Fussek (banane)
+ Adam Aalias (banane)
Abendkasse: tba