03/06/2022 - 11:00 AM
03/06/2022 - 11:00 AM
The gender binary violently assigns gender at birth. You don't need to go along with this. Be transgressive, transformational, translate. Let's make our own genders. This is TRANARCHY.
Opening show, multiple dance floors, cozy spaces, live music, fuck club, karaoke.
Come in DRAG-DRessed As Gender. Live your fantasy.
Door policy- No store bought gender.
+ Balabimamboo
+ Dirty Daddy Don
+ Folly Ghost
+ Jamum (Lunchbox Candy)
+ Lau Perrea
+ Love Foxy
+ PASSIVE ATTACK (Daddies on Acid/Interzone)
+ Pegasus Boy
+ The Shredder
Opening Drag Show (21.00) Featuring-
+ Femmeboyant
+ Isu Mignon Mignonne 異水 美龍 未姩
+ Magic Dyke
+ Sasha Kills
Box office: tba