We ask you to observe the applicable regulations on COVID restrictions on site and to handle them with care:
_Bring proof of an up-to-date negative test (date of the event), vaccination or recovery
_Obligation to wear medical masks (surgical masks) unless while seating
_Please keep physical contact to a minimum
_Entrance only with registration via luca App and Corona-Warn-App
_Anyone leaving the venue will no longer be able to enter
_After midnight, admission is generally no longer possible
_ House rules generally apply, an advance ticket is no guarantee of admission
_No photos or videos
open air floor:
+ Alekzandra [...]
+ Charlton [poverty is violence, mord, stoor]
+ Jamaica Suk [gradient]
+ Milton Bradley aka ALIEN RAIN [do not resist the beat]
+ Tasha [neighborhood]
bamboo floor:
+ Kosto [vision collector, rave atlas]
+ Mister Willis [Gardens of Babylon, rave atlas]
+ Sparkling Water Dreams [Gardens of Babylon, rave atlas]
Box office: tba