We are trying to create a ritual space for personal exploration, to release basic tension. The form that society is forcing you to hold, you can release that. It lets you experience that yourself, as yourself, raw, and to connect to the music and reconnect to life. At a place removed from time. The amorphous space, the cave like atmosphere. This ancient psychedelic ritual, that removes you from the loop of the earth, it removes you from time.
+ Carlos Souffront (Interdimensional Transmissions/ Detroit)
+ BMG (Interdimensional Transmissions/ Detroit)
+ Derek Plaslaiko (Interdimensional Transmissions/ Detroit)
+ Erika (Interdimensional Transmissions/ Detroit)
+ Patrick Russell (The Bunker/ NY)
+ Live: Mark Verbos (The Bunker/ NY)
+ Bryan Kasenic (The Bunker/ NY)
Abendkasse: tba