That thing on the roof
Weekend on the Klunkerkranich
Our pretty thing there on the roof, invites you as usual, for the weekend, with music and drinks, feel-good things and all that stuff.
We have a lot of plans, do an extra round and have well-known and new DJs on the decks for pleasant drinking and sitting entertainment.
On Thursday, Klex from the Strictly Crew comes by with Filiz, on Friday the guys from Format Analog come with the finest records, on Saturday Luca Bigote & Deniz Arslan take care of the best house vibes and on Sunday Anaïs will move from the bar to the decks and grooved himself with Voodoohop Affiliate Kotoe Kashmir on Sunday evening.
Come on thing, um, lengthways, on thing,
We look forward to seeing you soon
+ tba
Box office: tba
Der weite Blick über Berlin, ein wohltuendes Getränk und der rustikale Flair der Berliner Szene. Im Klunkerkranich stehen die Tore offen für Musikliebhaber, entspannte Gesellen, Märktegänger und Kulturliebhaber. Hier findet jeder eine Veranstaltung nach seinem Geschmack.