It’s that time of the year to be thankful ! Be thankful for having family & friends, thankful to have what you have, thankful for having the health you have! (It could be worse!), be happy to be able to make changes your in habits. And most of all, be thankful to give another anything, the way you can!! (It could be less) Just remember, there is always someone who could use just as much as you can give! And are thankful for your kindness with gratitude that you show, you care! Its not about buying stuff or money… it should be about Family & Friend's and showing love for another ! So the Channel crew decided to do what we love doing most! We are getting to together to make a change in someone life for the goodness will. So don't be afraid to get together to make a change to someone next to you and help us to collect some clothes, blankets, while drinking a cool drink towards their direct support for the hopelessly in Berlin. We are raising some give aways for our locals, here in Berlin. Disregarding their roots & religion, they belong to us and we should show some love. We have a Live Performance Electronic Music Singer/ Rapper that goes by the name of N8than8
+ N8than8 (Live) 22:00 - 23:00
+ Nikolaus House 23:00 - 01:00
+ Alexander Berge 01:00 - 03:00
+ Mark Mohs 03:00 - 05:00
+ John Fernando 05:00 - 07:00
Abendkasse: Spende