We have something to celebrate because we are 7 years old. Wow how time flies. So many great parties over the years. We look forward to much much more in the future
For the time being the last Goanautika in the club Osthafen/Ost. But it continues elsewhere. Let's celebrate 7 years of Goanautika properly on May 17th..
+ F A B I O. F U S C O Spin Twist
+ K L O P F GE I S T E R Spin Twist
+ S C H R I T T M A C H E R
+ Just a moment
+ John Kotti
+ Johnson Patrick
+ Enantion
+ Mimic Vat (KaminoRec.)
+ Kaikialla (KaminoRec.)
+ Benjek (BlackOutRec.)
+ Behinddarkness(BlackOutRec.)
+ Malum (FreakRec.)
Box office: tba
Formerly the center of shipping, today an urban event location. The Osthafen recently hosted a true club size in the local nightlife with the Magdalena. Elaborately installed speakers from the British company Pioneer let the music get under your skin at every party.