To kick off the Festival of Antifascism, we invite you to the Champagne garden to discuss whether baseball bats are coming back (if they ever went away). The shift to the right is nothing new, but the growing right is becoming increasingly dangerous - even in Berlin. We will discuss what we can expect and what we can do about it with you and Martina Renner, who sits in the Bundestag for The Left, campaigns for antifascism there and writes about the Third Reich in "The Right Fringe". Weg writes and the Opferperspektive association, which has been advising and supporting victims of right-wing violence in Brandenburg since the 1990s.
To lighten the mood, the Rattenchor, the Kreuzberg Men's Choir (KMC) and the anti-fascist yodeling duo Esels Alptraum will be performing their art.
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Box office: tba