The American label Magician On Duty was our guest on the roof last year and is celebrating its 8th anniversary this year. The magician himself opened the event and brought four other acts from his label family who will really heat up the roof for us. The label releases electronic music between downtempo and melodic techno, with that certain something and lots of psychedelic elements. Guests on the decks: Thommie G, Dario Klein, Bross and our resident Emorine.
+ Magician On Duty [Magician On Duty]
+ Thommie G [Kamai / Magician On Duty]
+ Dario Klein [Bar 25 / Rebellion der Träumer]
+ Bross [Trubadour Records]
+ Emorine [frooog. / Klunkerkranich]
Box office: tba
Der weite Blick über Berlin, ein wohltuendes Getränk und der rustikale Flair der Berliner Szene. Im Klunkerkranich stehen die Tore offen für Musikliebhaber, entspannte Gesellen, Märktegänger und Kulturliebhaber. Hier findet jeder eine Veranstaltung nach seinem Geschmack.