+ Origin Te Yon (Live)
+ AMSG & Kazim - The Wormwood Star Ritual (Performance)
+ Paganldand (Live)
+ Mark Wagner - Occultum Lapidem (Performance)
+ Delicatess (Electronic Live)
+ Suit Kei (Vinyl Set)
+ Ben Jeans Houghton - Haptic Hymns To Votive Flux (Electronic Performance)
+ Peter Horneland - Solve cut performative on technique up & A lecture Coagula (Performance)
+ Andy Aquarius - Celtic Harp Concert
+ Finn Darrell - Muntjac: Magnified Art and Surrealist Cinema Screening (Performance)
+ Jimmy Trash (Vinyl Set)
+ Ruairi (DJ Set)
+ Cloud Kinski
+ Tmh Tranzit
Box office: tba