Killekill welcomes two extraordinary crews for this extraordinary night: Liber Null Berlin and Modern Cathedrals.
Liber Null is a postmodern project that emphasizes the pragmatic in the use of belief, creating avant-garde and unorthodox methods which seek a visible access to the world of underground music and art.
They are representing tonight with the two founding members Unhuman and Nullam Rem Natam and are bringing team member Impure Secretion. Welcome to Liber Null!
Modern Cathedrals Floor:
+ Varg (Northern Electronics, Posh Isolation)
+ Tim Xavier (Manmade Mastering, Face to Face)
+ Altstadt Echo (Modern Cathedrals, EYE TEETH, Blank Code)
+ Äsop (Modern Cathedrals)
Liber Null Floor:
+ Unhuman (liber null)
+ Impure Secretion
+ Nullam Rem Natam (art performance)
Abendkasse: tba