After having to postpone and cancel the last two happenings (for obvious reasons) we are excited to finally meet again at our beloved Fitzroy in April
Turn around
Move your body
Turn again
You're on an orbit!
See the soul gravitating next to you?
Also turning
You are both orbiting
On your own trajectories,
Sometimes you intersect
All our trajectories together create a solar systemand music, like the sun, is at the center of it
Let's orbit around each other and intersect with respect
No transphobia, homophobia, sexism, ableism, racism or other forms of discrimination will be tolerated. Please come up to the door or the bar if you experience inappropriate behavior or see someone in need. We have schooled awareness team at the venue at all times. Fitzroy is accessible with a wheelchair and there is an accessible toilet. Get in touch with us if you have questions about accessibility:
If you have circumstances in which you are not able to pay the entry fee to the party, but would really like to join, please get in touch with us and we will figure something out. Half of the profit will be donated to Ukraine Hilfe Berlin e.V.:
Artwork by: Oriane Dosda
+ e l e m e n t
+ GOD69
+ Elissa Suckdog
Box office: 12-15 €