Matthias Kanik aka Gats has been active in the Berlin scene for many, many years and is making a name for himself with his live and hybrid sets. Very open in terms of genre but with a tendency to slow down and experiment. Tonight he will appear with his duo "Die Grillen", and will also play a hybrid set himself - on decks DJ Quesako with a vinyl only set and Danae, who is also part of the Grillen.
+ Magik Karpet Karavan
+ Nomad
+ Le Bob (Beatgeeks)
+ Soulski
Box office: tba
Der weite Blick über Berlin, ein wohltuendes Getränk und der rustikale Flair der Berliner Szene. Im Klunkerkranich stehen die Tore offen für Musikliebhaber, entspannte Gesellen, Märktegänger und Kulturliebhaber. Hier findet jeder eine Veranstaltung nach seinem Geschmack.