The days are slowly getting longer again in the land of the wondrous pixies and all the mystical creatures rush to celebrate their colorful diversity together.
The first little flowers shyly poke their heads out of the ground and the anticipation for spring is gradually spreading. The nose, which has turned pale from the long winter, is powdered snow-white and the magician walks gracefully through the heavenly gates to prepare a very special surprise.
A day that only happens every four years has to be celebrated appropriately and even the drunk dwarf has already thrown on his most beautiful tailcoat ...
The whole brigade marches in with kettledrums and trumpets and it should be a party that nobody wants to forget anytime soon.
+ David Dorad
+ Just Emma
+ Sarah Kreis
+ Ring & Dorf
+ Amount LIVE
+ Christian Hülshoff
+ Fuchs
+ Anselmus
+ Tal Fusmann
+ Mona Pirzad
+ Gregor Sündermann
Box office: tba