02/01/2018 - 6:00 AM
02/01/2018 - 6:00 AM
The Kosmonaut as we all know and love it will close it's doors when we enter 2018. It's a fact. It's time to get together in last huge celebration of the beautiful place it it's been, and what it will become in the first months of 2018! In January we will be closed to perform the massive recostruction inside, but before that happens.
We are going on the last mission.
3 nights, 2 days non stop
from 30.12 to 02.01.2018
3 floors.
10 crews, that were the part of that place, and made it to it is, will shake the walls of Kosmonaut one last time.
Klangkost x Ragnarök x Tanz aus der Reihe
+ A.D.H.S. (TADR)
+ Alfred Heinrichs (Supdub Records)
+ DeKai (OFFICIAL) (Ragnarök)
+ dunkel.bunt (TADR)
+ Holgi Star (Ragnarök)
+ Marius Drescher (TADR)
+ Salvo Salvatore (Klangkost)
+ Sebastian Vidahora (Klangkost)
+ Tom Nowa (Klangkost)
31.12 NYE
Draussen ist's Schöner x Kosmonaut x Suspekt Records
+ Anton Johnsen (Suspekt Records)
+ Daniel Schumann (Draußen ist’s schöner, Mit Dir)
+ Frieda Who? (Draußen ist’s schöner, Mit Dir)
+ Gareth Wild (EarToGround)
+ Jon Snow
+ Lukas Meunier (Suspekt Records)
+ Pascale Voltaire (BIT / Draußen ist’s schöner)
+ Thomas Maschitzke (Suspekt Records)
01.01 daytime
Criminal Bassline x B:East Berlin x Ram Schakl
+ vom Feisten (Criminal Bassline)
+ DirrtyDishes (Criminal Bassline)
+ Markus Klee (Criminal Bassline)
+ Thomas Schumacher (Electric Ballroom, Noir Music)
+ Brett Knacksen ( Artist Page) (Revolver, B:East)
+ Marcel db (Revolver, B:East)
+ Valentin Ginius
01.01 night
Techno Türken x Berlina für Techno x Freudentaumel x Plötzlich am Meer crew
+ FEVZEE (Techno Türken)
+ Demir & Seymen (Techno Türken)
+ Florian Meindl (FLASH Recordings)
+ Ole Niedermauntel (Berlina für Techno)
+ DAVID ROEGLIN (Berlina für Techno)
+ Daniel Heinrich (Berlina für Techno)
+ Kevin Beyer (Freudentaumel)
+ Chris Hanke (Freudentaumel)
+ Marcii Moto (Freudentaumel)
+ Beddermann & Dahlmann (Plötzlich Musik)
+ Porter
+ Matt Hardy
the very final set by:
+ high.co.coon (Kosmonaut, Projekt 23)
Abendkasse: tba