The Dungeon Berlin is a unique attraction that catapults its guests back into Berlin's most dangerous past. Professional actors tell real stories from 800 years of Berlin's past in 360-degree settings, mixed with special effects and two rides.
The gloomy Berlin stories are told by professional actors in scenes that are faithfully recreated. The characters couldn't be more different: the chronological journey through time in the Berlin Dungeon and the characters involved in it know their craft to keep the mood going by alternating humor and horror. If you are wrapped around your finger by a lovely lady at the sausage stand, the next second you are sitting on the butcher's chair yourself. Only in the summer of 2022 did the Berlin Dungeon open a completely new show in a new room specially built for this purpose with "The Wrath of the Witches". Of course, the so-called "Home of Halloween" should not be left out of the planning during the cold, spooky season, and especially on Halloween. In order to give guests an extra shiver in the "Scary Month", there will be a change in the previous program from October 1st, 2022 and a new, additional and only exclusively available show. Small Halloween details will be integrated into the already existing shows. In addition, one or the other character will change a little, the culmination of the visit should be the new, exclusive show, which guests can visit daily from 2 p.m. However, the title and also the content of this show remain a mystery to the visitors until the very end.
Tickets: From €22.50
With prior registration: digital photo for free!
The Berlin Dungeon is a unique and thrilling attraction that will catapult you back into Berlin's most dangerous past. Your underwear will be affected one way or the other. So much fun is almost scary...
The Berlin Dungeon is a breathtaking journey through 800 years of Berlin history.
Can they get any darker? Challenge Accepted.
Only for the scariest month, the Halloween month of October, did they lean into the shallows and bring a cruel dark figure into our dungeon. But not only that - EVERYTHING WILL BE DIFFERENT!