It's time again to let cobwebs, blood en masse and a monstrous sound out of the coffin. The underground club at Gendarmenmarkt is transformed into an eerily beautiful location, and we look forward to welcoming you with make-up and disguises as well as in a "casual look".
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Box office: 20 €
With guest list registration: Until 1 a.m. 15 € entry
On the occasion of the annual horror days, the world of vampires, werewolf and co. opens up behind the curtain for hip hop, the characters of the night meet in diverse appearances for a midnight dance.
Halloween doesn’t leave the Bricks without a trace: The club is transformed into a horror house at witching hour! Fog, blood and cobwebs create goosebumps atmosphere.
Different events take place in the Bricks. But a very special horror is sprayed on Halloween. You can expect many creepy surprises that will give you goose bumps. Be curious - the Bricks welcomes you at witching hour!