18/08/2024 - 6:00 PM
18/08/2024 - 6:00 PM
Dear dreamers,
Welcome to the new year!
The sun has passed its valley and the days are finally getting longer again! At this point we would like to spread unlimited anticipation for the upcoming summer, if, yes, if there wasn't this uneasy feeling.
None of us have remained unimpressed by the mix of wars and crises that are shaking our world. Feelings of powerlessness and existential insecurity have become a winter companion for many.
And even if we are not all directly threatened by terror, war and hunger, people in our community have lost family members and friends* or fear for their lives every day. Others are literally up to their necks in the water.
The upswing that right-wing radical forces are currently feeling in election forecasts does not bode well for the upcoming elections in Thuringia, Saxony and here in Brandenburg. Against this background, the festival summer seems extremely far away and almost a bit out of place.
+ tba
Tickets: From €120