Tune in live from 16 - 19 CET for our livestream from Berlin's most beautiful rooftop Klunkerkranich straight to your living room.
To compensate cancellations of shows due to the coronavirus, we have decided to host a live stream from our rooftop at Klunkerkranich, so you can enjoy some fresh music without having to leave your homes and quarantines. We are collecting donations for artists and hardship cases at betterplace. Help us help.
We are thrilled to gather some of Neukölln's most exciting clubs and cultural spaces in our livestream. The big strength of Neukölln´s club scene is its taste-making diversity in places like Sameheads, Loophole Berlin, O Tannenbaum, arkaoda Berlin or Christa Kupfer formerly known as Loftus Hall. Please tune in for this unique Neukölln Club gathering and please help to save each space!
Here go to the donation campaign
+ 16:00 - 17:30 Tropical Timewarp - DJ sets
+ 17:30 - 18:15 Conjunto Vaya Nacho - live
+ 18:15 - 19:00 Selektor Bony (Cumbia Fest Berlin / MEX) - djdjsupermarkt
Click here for the stream
Der weite Blick über Berlin, ein wohltuendes Getränk und der rustikale Flair der Berliner Szene. Im Klunkerkranich stehen die Tore offen für Musikliebhaber, entspannte Gesellen, Märktegänger und Kulturliebhaber. Hier findet jeder eine Veranstaltung nach seinem Geschmack.