It’s the Grand opening of Every given Friday. This week Friday, next week Friday and every giving Friday.
We are so excited to announce our big opening on Friday the 3rd.
Ain’t no better spot than home I guess and to give you the special feeling of home we decided to dedicate EVERY GIVEN FRIDAY to you guys.
Besides beautiful people and new faces. We’ve thought about many specials for you guys, so from now on you can be exited. And don't forget being sober is not the motto
See you at home at @bricks at every giving Friday
+ Scott< br />
+ Chris K
+ Zamo
+ Mc Book
Box office: 15 €
With guest list registration: Until 1 a.m. 12 € entrance fee
Reservations: 0174 2828000 or reservation@bricks-berlin.club
The Bricks is located directly on Berlin's historic Gendarmenmarkt under the Hilton Hotel. The interior is a mixture of a modern night club and a noble wood look. The inviting dance floor is made to simmer with various party concepts.