We are very happy to introduce our next guest at Baergarten Invites: RUG SOUND!
RUG (Rhythm Universally Given) offers a perspective platform for the entire music market and gives every music consumer access to diverse, sonorous music with deep vibrations and a delicate atmosphere. The music movement was founded by Berlin DJ and event planner Eric Brwn. The collective has a number of references, such as their first label showcase debut at Feel Festival 2022, while also rocking the dancefloor at Braunschweig's Laut Klub. The acoustic definition of RUG369 is not described by a genre, but by the way the selected music is played. All that counts is that people are picked up, a rave safe space is created and is accessible to everyone who loves music!
+Eric Brwn
+ Henriko
+ Mika G
+ Marcinek
+ UWE!
+ Daddycation
+ open air
+ Indoor
Box office: Free entry