Openair Wednesday - House Session. Roof & Loft
Openair Wednesday - Season Closing.
19:00 Uhr Rooftop (zum Event hier klicken)
23:00 Uhr Club
+ Pascale Voltaire (Sweet Musique / SOSO)
+ Thomas Maschitzke (Suspekt)
+ Lukas Meunier (Suspekt)
+ Anton Johnsen (Suspekt)
+ große Dachterrasse im 15. Stock
+ Panoramablick über die Berliner Skyline
Abendkasse: tba
Mit Gästelisten-Anmeldung: 23 Uhr bis 1 Uhr freier Eintritt
The Club Weekend convinces with one of the most beautiful roof terraces in Berlin. Here you can see the capital from above and enjoy a unique view of Berlin's skyline and the setting sun. People usually dance to hip hop or electronic music on up to 2 floors plus rooftop.