Dirty Dancing Party & Why?Not Party presents
Studenten Disco - Karneval der Kulturen 2019 Edition°
Carnival Special - Disco, Charts & All-Time Classics - Hits, Hits, Hits
+ Why?Not Party DJ Team
+ Berliner Luft - Begrüßungs Shots en Masse
+ 2 Euro Rabatt mit Studentenausweis
+ Dancefloor
+ Barlounge
+ Game/Chill Lounge
+ Hits, Hits, Hits
+ Make it a Date
Abendkasse: 10 €
Mit Gästelisten-Anmeldung: Bis 0:30 Uhr 8 € Eintritt
The former Magnet Club is located directly on the Oberbaum Bridge. The guests are offered a wide range of music and events - from metal to glitter glitter, everything is included. In addition to the parties, concerts take place in Musik & Frieden.