The good old days continue. After great parties last year, we are looking forward to the next great 90s & 2000s party on April 9th, 2020 at Pirates Berlin!
Do you still know then? The good old times? When Gigi D'Agostino knocked out one hit after the other. When the Love Parade reached its peak. When clubs were still discos? When the Black Floor was always full and an evening without Black Street, DMX and Ashanti was unthinkable?
This is exactly the time we want to bring back for one night on Maundy Thursday (day before Good Friday)! Because the 90s were more than just Cotton Eye Joe and Barbie Girl and the music landscape in the early 2000s wasn't just about the ketchup song and similar trash.
We want the good stuff!
+ 1st Floor: The best hits from the 90s and 2000s
+ 2nd Floor: Trash-Floor: Hits to roar along: Rednex, Aqua, Mr. President, Nana, Tic Tac Toe, Captain Jack, Zlatko & Jürgen ...
+ pay1get2 on long drinks and beer from 11pm to midnight in the club
Box office: 10 €
With guest list registration: € 5 entry until 11 p.m.
Das Pirates liegt direkt an der Spree mit perfektem Blick auf die Oberbaumbrücke. Draußen am Wasser sitzen und die Sonne genießen geht hier genauso gut, wie ausgelassen zur Musik zu tanzen. Der Außenbereich ist mit Sand und Strandelementen dekoriert und schafft eine kleine Wohlfühloase mitten im Großstadtdschungel.