Finally we are back together with you at the start and stream live with an audience from Sage Beach in Berlin. Our local heroes Harris, Van Tell, Danetic, Rina V & Raw D will be playing for you and, as usual, there will be the finest Hip Hop & RnB Classics only. The whole thing will be broadcast across Germany in our live stream from 8 p.m. Get a babysitter - mom & dad are finally going out again!
In addition to good music, there are all kinds of culinary delights from the bar and the grill. We not only make meat lovers happy, but also our vegan friends and vegetarians. How can you be there? Quite simply, take a look at our instructions on the rules of conduct on the occasion of the current restrictions, if you agree then book a ticket.
We look forward to you
In case of bad weather (rain) the event will be canceled and the costs will be reimbursed
* Special event (ticket vouchers cannot be redeemed for this)
+ Harris
+ DJ Van Tell
+ Danetic
+ Rina V
+ Raw D
+ Music: Hip Hop
Click here for the live stream
1. You, our guests, will be instructed by the staff at the entrance and again sensitized to the applicable security guidelines and compliance with them, and your data will be recorded.
2. Hand hygiene, sneezing and coughing labels must be observed. We will of course provide the necessary disinfectant dispensers.
3. Admission is strictly forbidden if you have symptoms of a cold. We appeal to you to refrain from visiting at the slightest sign of complaint.
4. The Senate has issued a so-called “ban on dancing pleasure”. That means a cluster of people dancing together is of course prohibited. If the rhythmic bobbing with your foot or the swaying sitting dance is not fulfilling enough for you, you can move around the table while strictly keeping to the minimum distance.
5. There is a strict mask requirement, it is not to be worn permanently, but definitely to be carried with you. This must be worn on the paths outside the table, for example when going to the toilet.
Please note that the rules also apply to the entrance and the area in front of the site.
Due to the health and massive threat to our existence if these rules are not complied with, we reserve the right to expel people or groups if they repeatedly or intentionally violate the rules mentioned.
Your understanding and personal responsibility is required, because only this enables us to have a summer together and a realistic future
By purchasing and redeeming the ticket, you agree to the rules of conduct described here.
Tickets from 25.00 € plus advance booking fee
Admission from 30 years of age with ID required!