Dear friends of Birgit, we hope you have survived the grey months well and are healthy and happy. From April 12th we can finally open our doors for you again. From then on there will be a club night every Friday and Saturday. As soon as the weather plays along, we invite you to the beer garden and to our open air raves on Saturdays.
See you soon! Your ℬirgit
Living Room Floor
+ 22:00 - 01:00 Mona Moore [Enorm in Form]
+ 01:00 - 03:00 Intaktogene [Ritter Butzke Records]
+ 03:00 - End Pascale Voltaire [Beyond Now]
Bunker Floor
+ 23:00 - 02:00 Timish [Commaklar]
+ 02:00 - 04:00 Bianka Banks [Jannowitz]
+ 04:00 - End Anya and Selin
Workshop Floor
+ 22:30 - End M89
Rummel Floor
+ tba.
Box office: tba