Jeden Freitag!
Are you tired of beeing SOULo? Tired of visiting SOULarium instead of sunbathing with your SOULmate?! Do you search for the right one, the special one!? SOULclash is the perfect SOULlution you've searching for. Meet your very own SOULstar, SOULsister, SOULmate. Share a SOULbowl and get connected while enjoying our weekly changing line-up. Good vibes, nice people, highclass drinks and an unique location - EVERY FRIDAY FROM 10PM AT THE GRAND CLUB.
#SOULlution #soulclash #soulchlashparty #everyfriday
#thegrandberlin #thegrandclub #areyouprestigeenough
+ Soulcalsh Resident DJs
+ Music: Latin, RnB, House, Classics on 3 Floors
+ For our Ladies: Soulbowl Special 22-00 Uhr 50% Offer
+ Gentlemans Choice: Cigarre Smokers Lounge
Abendkasse: 10 €
Mit Gästelisten-Anmeldung: Bis 0 Uhr freier Eintritt für Frauen