The Ballhaus Wedding becomes a time machine - the first time the flying Ballhaus starts in 1977 and stays in Berlin.
Elvis has died and the party scene with the well-known 1970s disco music rocked Berlin on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
Experience an unforgettable evening with our journey through time to the 70s with the right music by Petit Palais and DJ Funky Henning.
There is a sorceress and all sorts of surprises await you in the different rooms of the historic ballroom from 1889. The basement is transformed into a boudoir with gaming tables.
Vertigo - if you get dizzy then we have reached our goal.
Great artists will enchant you on October 14th at Ballhaus Wedding.
+ DJ Funky Henning
+ Petit Palais
+ Johanna Lux
+ A band
+ Small Casino
+ walking acts
+ Culinary delights
+ Early Bird: €22
+ Regular: €27