We're welcoming HEARTBREAK to our Friday family. They're here to bring back the nostalgic & contemporary tunes you really want to listen to: Sounds loved equally by ladies & gents, HEARTBREAK represents a night filled with classics from every millennial's youth and childhood, back when MTV was actually broadcasting music, mixed with modern bangers. Accompanied by Boogie Dan, San Gabriel & Crevin Code (Kevin Cremer) behind the decks, we guarantee: #GoodVibesOnly. As always, we will be opening our doors at 9pm for smooth beats and tasty drinks at our bar as for the rest of the night, there's an open end.
We’ll be expecting you to stop by!
+ BoogieDan
+ SanGabriel
+ CrevinCode
Abendkasse: tba
Tischreservierung: reservation@808.berlin
Unmittelbar zwischen Monkey Bar und 25hours Hotel haben die Macher der Tube Station ihr neues Wohnzimmer bezogen. Das "Eight Oh Eight" oder kurz "808" steht für 100 Prozent Hip Hop und rundet die Abendunterhaltung im Bikini Haus ab. Neben Restaurants, Bars und Hotels ist der Club gut aufgehoben.