Das AVENUE bringt frischen Wind in den Samstag. Und wie: Das neue Label HOUSE AVENUE verspricht feinste House Tunes und bringt mit dem dänischen Duo Anders K und Martin Nick, auch bekannt als TooManyLeftHands zwei absolute internationale Schwergewichte auf die Bühne. Die Jungs haben bereits das Tinderbox Festival, das Warehouse Festival, das Ushuaia Ibiza zum Beben gebracht und werden auch das AVENUE Berlin abreißen.
HOUSE AVENUE presents TooManyLeftHands •
Time to bring some fresh breath into these saturday nights.
We are happy to announce our new label HOUSE AVENUE.
And yes!! For our KICK OFF Party we also have a little surprise for you :)
We proudly welcome the Copenhagen-based Danish DJ and producer duo Anders K and Martin Nick known as TooManyLeftHands // TMLH in our HOUSE.
A night of danish beats and new vibes. Party like there´s no tomorrow.
On the principle of „Make Me Dance“ and „Too Young to Die“.
TMLH – 150k FB followers, debuted during the Copenhagen Fashion Week 2009, gaining residency at the Nasa club, hosting in cooperation with Ibiza Global Radio and Pioneer and rocking the crowds on Tinderbox festival, Warehouse festival, Ushuaia Ibiza, Distortion etc.
+ Anders K and Martin Nick known as TooManyLeftHands
Abendkasse: 12€
Mit Gästelisten-Anmeldung: Bis 1 Uhr 6€
Table booking
0049174/6003000 | info@avenue-berlin.com
The international jet set and Berlin scene make the Avenue a fixture in Berlin's nightlife. In the historic building of the listed Café Moscow, the capital city party, less than 500m away from Alexanderplatz, until the sun rises.