Behind the Barricades #8 // Solidarity event for Budapest Komplex
We are making up for the event that was cancelled in May and have put together a line-up for you to fall to your knees!
In addition to Küfa, concerts and a diverse DJ line-up, we are particularly pleased to receive input on the current status of the Budapest Antifa trial and performances from the Hullabaloo Cabaret. Come in large numbers, celebrate with us and show your solidarity!
We hope that everyone feels comfortable at our party, so the event is NOT a space for sexist, racist, ableist, transphobic or otherwise abusive and discriminatory behavior. In this sense:
Free all Antifas!
Build barricades on the streets, not at the borders!
+ Ixzhilion (Psych Rock)
+ Shættered (Punk Rock)
+ Amadone
+ Arpolyon
+ Baba Roomaine
+ Hakke Piña b2b Odoyá
+ Toyota Pradi
+ Hullabaloo Cabaret (Performance / Freak Show)
Box office/donation: 12 €