Dear friends,
We are again at the start this Friday with an edition of our new event format The Motion. For the first time we are celebrating inside and directly with a special for you: Sosa and Mr. Lee, two of the best DJs in Berlin, will play the whole evening together for you and provide you with the best songs for a great evening. And of course the super team at the APARTMENT Bar is responsible for the drinks. We look forward to seeing you!
You can reserve a table by email to, via instagram to ccs.entertainment or by phone at +49 176 80521240.
Please note that due to the current situation, admission via the box office is only possible to a very limited extent and unfortunately no admission can be guaranteed.
+ Sosa
+ Mr. Lee
+ Music: HipHop, Pop, RnB, Trap
+ 2 DJ's Back2Back
+ Signature drinks by APARTMENT Bar
Box office: free before 9 p.m., 5 € from 9 p.m., 10 € from 10 p.m.
With guest list registration: Free entry until 10 p.m.
In den samtigweichen Sessel, inmitten der verspiegelten Wände, wird fast vergessen, dass draußen Berlin tobt. Auf zwei Ebenen wird hier getrunken und gelacht, gerne mal getanzt und immer die Aussicht auf die Dächer der Stadt genossen.