Sat. 26/08/17 - 11:55 PM until Sun. 27/08/17 - 6:00 AMDancehall Ladies Night - Ladies free bis 1 Uhr - Dancehall Afro Beats Old- and Newschool Hip Hop RNB
About Chesters Berlin
Guest listRafflePartyDancehallReggaeAfro BeatsOld- and Newschool Hip HopRNB
Sat. 26/08/17 - 11:55 PM until Sun. 27/08/17 - 6:00 AMDancehall Ladies Night - Ladies free bis 1 Uhr - Dancehall Afro Beats Old- and Newschool Hip Hop RNB
About Chesters Berlin
Guest listRafflePartyDancehallReggaeAfro BeatsOld- and Newschool Hip HopRNB
This event "Dancehall Ladies Night - Ladies free bis 1 Uhr - Dancehall Afro Beats Old- and Newschool Hip Hop RNB" @ Chesters already ended on 08/26/2017. More information about this location: Chesters
Guest list
Gästeliste Chesters-Club: 7€ Eintritt bis 1 Uhr