First, Phi Beta Chi Fraternity International would like to thank all brothers and sisters for making the fourth Saturday of the month the most popping day of the month! And each fourth Sunday the most horrible hangover day as well - but it's all worth it!
This month's jump-off is happening on the 28th of April, so I advise you to take the 29th off, in case you haven't already. Brother DJ SoSoKev and brother Dj SOSA will introduce the newbies to The Frat life, in case there is anybody needing a quick crash course.
Without further ado - see you on the 28th! The Frat - over and out.
+ SoSoKev
+ Sosa
Abendkasse: tba
Unmittelbar zwischen Monkey Bar und 25hours Hotel haben die Macher der Tube Station ihr neues Wohnzimmer bezogen. Das "Eight Oh Eight" oder kurz "808" steht für 100 Prozent Hip Hop und rundet die Abendunterhaltung im Bikini Haus ab. Neben Restaurants, Bars und Hotels ist der Club gut aufgehoben.