04/01/2019 - 10:00 AM
04/01/2019 - 10:00 AM
The oracle warns:
A planning error by the amphibian caused an incident in Sisyphus. Large amounts of radiation were released in the process. The fissile material is expected from 1.1. until 4.1. develop their maximum euphoric effect. A cloud of radiating particles will cover the entire east of Berlin. Because of the ravaging, blocks 1 to 4 of the bass reactor must then be taken off the grid for two months. Activists are already calling for an immediate exit from gravity.
+ Eddie Doesn't matter
+ xstageproject
+ Il Civetto
+ tba
+ spacey spectacle beyond your imagination
+ in the endorphin nebula
+ tba
Box office: tba
Das Sisyphos gehört zu den angesagtesten Elektro Clubs in Berlin. Hartgesottene bleiben hier schon mal von Freitag bis Montag. Der liebevoll gestaltete Outdoor-Bereich hebt die Location im Sommer noch mal auf ein ganz neues Level.